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 斜向探测 [xié xiàng tàn cè添加此单词到默认生词本
oblique incidence sounding
diagonal exploration

  1. 唐山东面的开平属中生代构造,探测的结果表明,轴是一近于直立的地壳断裂。
    A paleozoic syncline of Kaiping, located just east of Tangshan city is a nearly vertical right lateral strike-slip fault, broken throughout the whole crust.
  2. 在已知固定地面距离的发射站和接收站之间的扫频斜向探测技术能够获得电波传播群时延对频率关系的测电离图。
    An Oblique Ionogram is a plot showing the group path or time delay against operating frequency when using swept frequency obliquely sounding between the transmitting and receiving site.
  3. 根据新型电离层斜向返回探测系统的编码调相脉冲压缩、间隔收发体制,采用 FPGA和数字上变频器实现了一种适合该体制的、基于VXI总线的信号源模块。
    According to ionospheric oblique backscattering sounding system's characteristics, the paper designed the signal source module which based on VXIbus and realized it with FPGA and Digital UpConverter.

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