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 斜压海洋 [xié yā hǎi yáng添加此单词到默认生词本
baroclinic ocean

  1. 摘要运用一个三维斜压海洋模式对冬季风风场持续异常时期的黑潮区海洋进行了模拟,初步分析了冬季风风场持续异常对黑潮区海面高度、海流和海温的影响。
    A 3D baroclinc ocean model is used to model the ocean current around the Kuroshio area on the condition of successively anomalous East Asia winter monsoon, some significant results are obtained, and the influence of strong (weak) winter monsoon on sea surface height (SSH), sea surface temperature (SST) and sea current around the Kuroshio area is analyzed preliminarily.

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