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 双眼视觉 添加此单词到默认生词本
stereopsis vision
binocular vision

  1. 摘要目的探讨成人共同性外斜视术后双眼视觉的重建及手术特点。
    Objective Restoration of normal binocular vision after successful surgical correction of adult concomitant extropia.
  2. 结论术后视力情况、双眼视力差异对双眼视觉恢复影响最大,患者术后视力越好,双眼视力相差越小,双眼视恢复也越好。
    The better the postoperative VA, and the less the difference of binocular VA, the better the recovery of stereopsis.
  3. 摘要研究显示,随着年龄的增长,人及动物的许多视觉功能出现衰退,表现出视锐度、对比敏感度和波长敏感性下降以及双眼视觉能力减弱。
    A mass of research documents have shown that visual function deteriorates with age both in human beings as well as in animals.

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