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double blank

  1. 这里是槌头髻鲨和鲨以及蝠鲼的避难所.
    It's a haven for harmhiden hammerhead and white tip sharks, as well as manta rays.
  2. 在她第二张唱片发行前不久,夏洛特获得了英国"金奖"。
    Shortly before the release of her second album, Charlotte was awarded "The Double Platinum Award" in the UK.
  3. 色调和谐对比,尽显高雅与活力,她是身份与力量的象征,是青春的内在元素,引领时尚风暴!
    The blue& white double tone harmonious contrast, reveals elegance and vigor, she is the symbol of status and the strength, is the youth intrinsic element, leading the fashion!

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