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 双照射 添加此单词到默认生词本
double irradiation

  1. 研究了汽车前照灯近光照射方位角位屏幕板检测原理及方法。
    Study the test principle and method of automobile headlamp near shine azimuth with pairs of location screen boards.
  2. 目的:观察比较仅行手法治疗、仅行侧星状神经节半导体激光照射及综合治疗方法对颈源性头痛的疗效。
    AIM: to observe the effects of single maneuver therapy, single semiconductor laser exposure on stellate ganglion of the double side and colligation therapy on the headache of cervical origin.
  3. 目的研究单一大剂量射线照射单侧小型猪腮腺对侧腮腺结构和功能影响。
    Objective to evaluate the effects of a solitary megadose protocol of ionizing radiation (IR) to parotid gland on the structured and function changes of bilateral parotid glands in miniature pig.

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