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 双点压力机 添加此单词到默认生词本
two point press

  1. 介绍一种采用多连杆传动技术的新型的闭式双点压力机
    A new type of straight side two point press with transmission technique of multiple toggle link has been introduced.
  2. 分析了影响双点压力机滑块运动精度的主要因素并提出了解决的办法。
    Main factors of influencing slide moving accuracy of two poi nt press have been analysed and solving method proposed.
  3. 介绍了双点压力机离合器的漏气故障原因及技术改造方案,取得了良好的经济效益。
    This paper introduces the leak failure cause for two-point press clutch and technological innovation plan which has got good economic benefit.

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