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 劳动竞赛 添加此单词到默认生词本
[劳经] labour emulation

  1. 国家提倡社会主义劳动竞赛, 奖励劳动模范和先进工作者。
    The State promotes socialist labor emulation, and commends and rewards model and advanced workers.
  2. 通过运动会中的劳动竞赛环节,让孩子们展示自己能干的一面和劳动的能力给父母看。
    Through sports in the work of the race, let the children showed himself the effort of themselves to their parents see.
  3. 开展劳动竞赛,是调动职工积极性的重要手段,也是工会工作的重要内容之一。
    Launching labor competition is an important means to arouse employees' initiative as well as one of important contents of trade union work.

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