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 劳动社会学 添加此单词到默认生词本
labour sociology

  1. 第一部分介绍劳动社会学的基本范畴与理论、劳动社会学研究方法。
    The first part introduces the basic conceptsandtheories of sociology of work , and its research methods.
  2. 本文借鉴了国内外现有的研究成果,运用了劳动经济学、社会学等理论对社区就业进行理论阐述;
    On the basis of domestic and foreign research, the author dissertated the general theory on community employment using of labor economics, sociology and other theories.
  3. 首先,必须正确区分社会学意义上的劳动者和法学意义上的劳动者,合理限定劳动关系主体的范围;
    Firstly, it is necessary to distinguish the senses of laborers correctly between legal and sociological senses and limit the scope of the labor subject in the labor relationship;

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