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 劳动消耗 添加此单词到默认生词本
[劳经] labour expenditure

  1. 懒惰,就像生锈,比劳动消耗的更快。
    Sloth , like rust , consumes faster than labor wears .
  2. 讲求农业技术经济效果的目的,是要以最少的劳动消耗,获得最多的产品量。
    The aim of evaluating the effects of new agrotechnique is to achieve the largest amount of products with the least expense.
  3. 指为了补贴职工特殊或额外的劳动消耗和因其他特殊原因支付给职工的津贴,以及为保证职工工资水平不受物价影响支付给职工的物价补贴。
    Refers to subsidies paid to staff and workers for compensating special or extra labor and allowances paid to staff and workers to offset the impact of inflation on real wages.

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