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 动水位 [dòng shuǐ wèi添加此单词到默认生词本
dynamic water level

  1. 动水位降低、进水管淹没水深不够。
    move to lower the water level, insufficient water depth of submerged inlet.
  2. 本文对湖大水井的动水位观测作了介绍。
    In this paper, the moving level observation of Huda well is briefly introduced.
  3. 研究结果表明:机组频率尾波波周期与调压室水位理论周期基本一致,且主要与调压室面积有关;
    The results show that the wave cycle of unit's frequency stern wave accord with swell level fluctuation cycle in surge tank, and the main related factor is the cross-section of surge tank.

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