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 分布式处理 [fēn bù shì chǔ lǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] distributed processing
distributed computing

  1. 分布式处理中的一个关键因素是网络连接的带宽。
    A critical factor in distributed processing is the bandwidth of the network connection.
  2. 这是分布式处理模型的一个主要问题,并且是一个重要的研究和标准化领域。
    This is a major problem with the distributed processing model and a significant area of investigation and standardization.
  3. 为了解决那个问题,OODT提供了对分布式资源的透明访问、数据恢复和查询优化功能以及分布式处理和虚拟存档。
    To solve that problem, OODT provides transparent access to distributed resources, functionality for data discovery and query optimization, as well as distributed processing and virtual archives.

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