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 分布密度 添加此单词到默认生词本
density of distribution
[统计] distribution density

  1. 塞内加尔不同地区之间的助产士甚至护士的分布密度同样存在着很大的差别。
    The density of midwives and, to a lesser extent, of nurses also varies considerably among different regions in Senegal.
  2. 这些地图显示了红树林的位置和相对分布密度,它们大约占据地球表面的137,760平方千米(53,190平方英里)。
    These maps show the location and relative density of mangroves, which cover roughly 137,760 square kilometers (53,190 square miles) of Earth’s surface.
  3. 本文在切比雪夫分布和泰勒分布的基础上,提出了一种新的振幅分布即正态分布,并利用正态分布密度函数来设计阵列天线。
    Based on Tchebycheff distribution and Taylor distribution, this paper presents a new amplitude distribution-normal distribution, the density function of which is used to design an antenna array.

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