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 分布域 [fēn bù yù添加此单词到默认生词本
range of distribution

  1. 测量光谱经过傅里叶变换得到其光谱的频域分布
    The measurement spectra were Fourier transformed and the frequency distribution of the spectra was obtained.
  2. 两种熊猫在生境利用上的差异可能是其同域分布长期共存的原因之一。
    The difference in habitat selection perhaps is one of the reasons for the long term co2existence of both panda species.
  3. 摘要从物体散射场对应的傅里叶空间出发,提出基于空间谱域分布的成像系统定性评价体系。
    From the Fourier space K corresponding to the scattering field of the object, an imaging evaluation mechanism based on the spatial spectral coverage is proposed.

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