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 公司内部控制 添加此单词到默认生词本
[经管] intra-company control

  1. 第一部分,上市公司内部控制的基本理论。
    The first part presents the basic theory of internal control of listed companies.
  2. SOX中的一项重要条款要求通过公司管理和审计师证明公司内部控制系统的妥善性。
    A prominent provision in SOX requires attestation of the adequacy of firms' internal control systems by both firm management and auditors.
  3. 本章简单介绍了某航空公司情况,分析了该公司内部控制现状及存在的问题,以及内部控制存在问题的原因。
    This chapter makes a brief introduction of the airline. It makes the analysis about the problems that lie in its internal control and provides the reason of the problems.

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