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 公司债券基金 添加此单词到默认生词本
bond fund

  1. 本周,最大的基金管理公司新兴市场债券基金,购买了15亿美国市政债券,其效益随着危机扩散而暴增。
    This week PIMCO, a big fund manager, bought $1.5 billion of American municipal bonds, where yields have jumped as the crisis spread.
  2. 公司上市及股票、债券基金的发行、转让提供法律服务。
    To provide legal services on corporate listing,issuance and transfer of stock,bond,fund.
  3. 有些投资转投“优惠”货币基金,这类基金购买公司债券,因为在过去一个月内投资者又有意尝试风险。
    It has lost some of that to “prime” money funds, which buy corporate debt, over the past month as investors regained some appetite for risk.

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