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 公司借款 [gōng sī jiè kuǎn添加此单词到默认生词本
[金融] corporate loans

  1. 另外,其它对冲基金也在抛售垃圾债券和公司借款
    Other funds also are selling junk bonds and loans of companies.
  2. 但是部分解释也可作另一种解读:显著的充足流动性,较低的公司借款以及对高风险的胃口。
    But part of the explanation could also be cyclical, notably abundant liquidity, low borrowings by companies and high risk appetites.
  3. 最近全球债券市场上私营公司发行债券的势头趋于看涨,这是因为银行和公司借款者(corporate borrowers)之间产生“脱媒现象”(disintermediation)或者叫“逆中介化现象”(即指资金需要者采取发行证券而不是采取向金融机构借款的方式筹措资金)。
    The markets are seeing a rising trend of securities being issued by private companies, a result of the disintermediation between the banks and corporate borrowers.

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