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 公司人 [gōng sī rén添加此单词到默认生词本
company man

  1. 双温模块:公司人多总是众口难调,有的要沏茶,有的要喝冰水。
    Double temperature: It is difficult to cater for all tastes as some like tea and some like iced water.
  2. 工作范围其实没有一定,尤其是公司人少,有时不是公关要做的可能也要帮手做,例如连在戏票上盖印。
    Actually, there was not a well-defined job scope, especially for a small company like Golden Scene. Sometimes, I also had to do non-P. R. tasks such as stamping the tickets.
  3. 又如股权继承如果受合性的影响,那么在股权继承的制度设计中如何尊重有限责任公司人合性的特点等等。
    If inherit of stock right is involve by personal nature, how to concern the character of personal nature when we design the system of inherit of stock right?

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