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 公司业绩 添加此单词到默认生词本
[经管] company performance
corporate performance

  1. 这种上涨与整体公司业绩毫无关系,表明失灵的市场正对资源进行无效的配置,同时提供了反向激励。
    These figures bear no relationship to overall company performance and indicate a dysfunctional market allocating resources inefficiently and providing perverse incentives along the way.
  2. 因此,关注这些公司业绩的股东在计算和预计利润并决定是否投资于他们的股票时应当考虑这一因素。
    So, shareholders tracking the performance of these companies should consider these facts before they calculate or estimate profits of the company and decide on making investment in their stocks.

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