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 三价酸 [sān jià suān添加此单词到默认生词本
triatomic acid

  1. 糜福龙,李松涛,沈玉如,几丁聚醣-藻醣与几丁聚醣-聚磷螯合型树脂对二铜离子吸附性质研究,第二十届废水处理技术研讨会(1998).
    Sung-Tao Lee, Fwu-Long Mi, Yu-Ju Shen and Shin-Shing Shyu, “Synthesis of chitosan-tripolyphosphate chelating resin and its adsorption properties for the treatment of copper(II) irons, Proceedings of the 21th ROC Polymer Symposium (1998).
  2. 以微乳液中二金属离子与紫脲胺之间的配位反应为指示反应,采用分光光度技术,研究了金属离子在由阳离子表面活性剂十六烷基甲基溴化胺构建的微乳凝胶中的传质问题。
    The rate of the coordination reaction between divalent metal ions and murexide in a water-in-oil microemulsion was determined by spectrophotometric technique to study the transport of the metal ions entrapped in the organogel formed by cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide.

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