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 三人间 添加此单词到默认生词本
triple room

  1. 在主楼三人间的客人,请先拨9,在拨房间号。
    For the 3-figure rooms in the main building,please dial 9 first and then the room number.
  2. 当惠仁恢复她的视力,一段悲痛恋歌从此在三人间谱出。
    Hae-In does not realize that the man she now knows as Jun-Kyu is actually Jun-Hyung.
  3. 酒店舒适的单人间、双人间和三人间都设在一楼,与酒店的其它设施在一起。酒店接待台也设在一楼。
    The Comfortable Single, Double And Triple Rooms Are All Located On The First Floor Along With The Hotel Facilities. Reception Is On Ground Floor.

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