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 Meetings 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 会议

  1. At board meetings you have to get used to the formality of the language.
  2. Meetings are held on alternate Thursdays.

  1. Meetings begin Thursday in Bangkok, Thailand, with a three-day Pacific rim ministerial summit of ASEAN, the Association of Asian Nations.
  2. Meetings of EU environment ministers in Dresden, and culture ministers in Wuerzburg, Germany.
  3. Meetings are to be moderated by department experts in various fields, with sessions focusing on different subjects according to the location.
  4. Meetings of each are scheduled for Oct. 14.
  5. Meetings will also be held in Illinois, Louisiana, Washington state, Alaska and Rhode Island.
  6. Meetings tend to ramble on, especially if you are using a translator, although English and French are widely spoken.
  7. Meetings are planned Friday with government agencies.
  8. Meetings degenerated into shouting matches; after one, a copywriter kicked a hole in a wall.
  9. Meetings are to be held early next week to try to resolve the dispute.
  10. And in another move to shore up support for anti-Iraq action, Bush will confer Sunday with Gorbachev. Meetings between the U.N.'s chief and Iraq's foreign minister were fruitless.
  11. Meetings among federal and state authorities, beekeepers, crop producers and researchers were held to develop the new proposed rules.
  12. Cornell received a Bible and an engraved silver tray at a luncheon Sept. 12 during the group's annual Communications Meetings Week.
  13. These may have been published originally in English or another language, but it would be courteous to have the main points printed on a separate piece of paper in Japanese and inserted in each document. Meetings.
  14. One reason the day is so long for government executives: Meetings.
  15. Meetings between Rothacher and his Japanese counterparts must have made for entertaining eavesdropping. The country, he claims, is run by around two thousand men (there are few women) spread across politics, the civil service and big business.
  16. Meetings often last until 10 or 11pm, explained only partly by the fact that during the week he lives by himself, joining his wife at the weekends at their 17th-century farmhouse south of Paris.
  17. Meetings of the American Psychiatric Association were "swamped in alphabet soup," Mr. Slovenko found.
  18. Meetings set in May and twice in July were postponed or not held, the suit states.
  19. Meetings are planned next month in Honolulu, Los Angeles, Denver, Boston and Newark, N.J.
  20. Meetings between Baker and members of Congress, reminiscent of the process the secretary followed last year to forge a bipartisan policy on Nicaragua, will resume after lawmakers return from their Easter recess on April 18.
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