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 layman ['leimәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 俗人, 门外汉, 凡人

[医] 外行, 业外人

[经] 外行

    [ noun ]
    someone who is not a clergyman or a professional person

    Layman \Lay"man\n.; pl. {Laymen}. [Lay, adj. + man.]
    1. One of the people, in distinction from the clergy; one of
    the laity; sometimes, a man not belonging to some
    particular profession, in distinction from those who do.

    Being a layman, I ought not to have concerned myself
    with speculations which belong to the profession.

    2. A lay figure. See under {Lay}, n. (above). --Dryden

    1. It is a statement of the facts as perceived after reading everything about Aids that it was possible to lay hands on and which was comprehensible to the layman.
    2. "He is not only doing right, but perfectly," a layman says.
    3. Overby, a Southern Baptist layman who is a member of the 15-member board of the new agency, said Baptists have a tradition of free speech.
    4. "In layman's terms, he's been criticized for not doing something he was never asked to do," Dunleavy said.
    5. "You'd have to be an expert in that field to know what it's all about," said Eva Johnson, Chuck Johnson's wife. "The average layman wouldn't understand anything in it.
    6. Why the mood? Economists themselves have been asking that question, and most have defended their positions with data and theories that to the layman seem thorough, reasonable and even sagacious.
    7. Most of this material is inaccessible to the layman, especially in the original German.
    8. Keegan, a social worker, was the first layman to address a plenary session at a church council.
    9. Murray Johnstone usually sells through fee-based advisers. By comparison, life office charges are notoriously complex and it is impossible for the layman to find out what he is actually paying.
    10. Roman Catholic layman Paul Schulmeister apologized for the failure of Austria's predominantly Catholic population to help the Jews.
    11. The judge said he was a layman in national security matters and would leave decisions on what would breach security to the government.
    12. The power struggle climaxed five months later when President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, a layman economist open to compromise with the outside world, was fired by Khomeini and fled into exile.
    13. A fine selection of instruments are on display with captions that make them intelligible to the layman. The re-development brings to prominence the most important monument to the scientific aspirations and achievements of the Enlightenment.
    14. Editor Campbell said his group supplied material to John S. Tomkins, a Presbyterian layman and author of an article in the current Reader's Digest sharply critical of his denomination and some other Protestant bodies.
    15. Curator Margot Coatts has engaged the services of ceramic technologist Nigel Woods, whose lucid catalogue essay benefits both layman and potter. From the first, Rie was innovative, producing in Vienna unusual mottled glazes that prefigure later work.
    16. Delman said it was his layman's opinion that the family's acts were illegal but described them as "acts of love" for Mrs. Rosier.
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