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 Hardest 添加此单词到默认生词本
adv. 极难

  1. Old people are hardest hit by the rising cost of living.
  2. There was little credit for those who had worked hardest.

Hard \Hard\ (h[aum]rd), a. [Compar. {Harder} (-[~e]r); superl.
{Hardest}.] [OE. hard, heard, AS. heard; akin to OS. & D.
hard, G. hart, OHG. herti, harti, Icel. har[eth]r, Dan.
haard, Sw. h[*a]rd, Goth. hardus, Gr. kraty`s strong,
ka`rtos, kra`tos, strength, and also to E. -ard, as in
coward, drunkard, -crat, -cracy in autocrat, democracy; cf.
Skr. kratu strength, k[.r] to do, make. Cf. {Hardy}.]
1. Not easily penetrated, cut, or separated into parts; not
yielding to pressure; firm; solid; compact; -- applied to
material bodies, and opposed to {soft}; as, hard wood;
hard flesh; a hard apple.

2. Difficult, mentally or judicially; not easily apprehended,
decided, or resolved; as a hard problem.

The hard causes they brought unto Moses. --Ex.
xviii. 26.

In which are some things hard to be understood. --2
Peter iii. 16.

3. Difficult to accomplish; full of obstacles; laborious;
fatiguing; arduous; as, a hard task; a disease hard to

4. Difficult to resist or control; powerful.

The stag was too hard for the horse. --L'Estrange.

A power which will be always too hard for them.

5. Difficult to bear or endure; not easy to put up with or
consent to; hence, severe; rigorous; oppressive;
distressing; unjust; grasping; as, a hard lot; hard times;
hard fare; a hard winter; hard conditions or terms.

I never could drive a hard bargain. --Burke.

6. Difficult to please or influence; stern; unyielding;
obdurate; unsympathetic; unfeeling; cruel; as, a hard
master; a hard heart; hard words; a hard character.

7. Not easy or agreeable to the taste; harsh; stiff; rigid;
ungraceful; repelling; as, a hard style.

Figures harder than even the marble itself.

8. Rough; acid; sour, as liquors; as, hard cider.

9. (Pron.) Abrupt or explosive in utterance; not aspirated,
sibilated, or pronounced with a gradual change of the
organs from one position to another; -- said of certain
consonants, as c in came, and g in go, as distinguished
from the same letters in center, general, etc.

10. Wanting softness or smoothness of utterance; harsh; as, a
hard tone.

11. (Painting)
(a) Rigid in the drawing or distribution of the figures;
formal; lacking grace of composition.
(b) Having disagreeable and abrupt contrasts in the
coloring or light and shade.

{Hard cancer}, {Hard case}, etc. See under {Cancer}, {Case},

{Hard clam}, or {Hard-shelled clam} (Zo["o]l.), the quahog.

{Hard coal}, anthracite, as distinguished from {bituminous
coal} ({soft coal}).

{Hard and fast}. (Naut.) See under {Fast}.

{Hard finish} (Arch.), a smooth finishing coat of hard fine
plaster applied to the surface of rough plastering.

{Hard lines}, hardship; difficult conditions.

{Hard money}, coin or specie, as distinguished from paper

{Hard oyster} (Zo["o]l.), the northern native oyster. [Local,
U. S.]

{Hard pan}, the hard stratum of earth lying beneath the soil;
hence, figuratively, the firm, substantial, fundamental
part or quality of anything; as, the hard pan of
character, of a matter in dispute, etc. See {Pan}.

{Hard rubber}. See under {Rubber}.

{Hard solder}. See under {Solder}.

{Hard water}, water, which contains lime or some mineral
substance rendering it unfit for washing. See {Hardness},

{Hard wood}, wood of a solid or hard texture; as walnut, oak,
ash, box, and the like, in distinction from pine, poplar,
hemlock, etc.

{In hard condition}, in excellent condition for racing;
having firm muscles; -- said of race horses.

Syn: Solid; arduous; powerful; trying; unyielding; stubborn;
stern; flinty; unfeeling; harsh; difficult; severe;
obdurate; rigid. See {Solid}, and {Arduous}.

  1. Hardest hit were the company's 13.25% debentures maturing in 2000.
  2. Turnover for the 12 months to September 30 declined by 22 per cent to Pounds 34.2m. Hardest hit had been the machine sales division, which accounted for some Pounds 5m of the decline in group turnover.
  3. Hardest hit by the tariffs are Japanese producers of laptop and desktop personal computers, who will bear $180 million, or 60%, of the sanctions.
  4. Hardest hit in this quaint, seaside town 60 miles south of San Francisco was the mall, a typically eclectic California collection of about 250 shops.
  5. Hardest hit was Suwon, a city immediately south of Seoul, which had 16.8 inches, the center said.
  6. Hardest hit were the giant OTC stocks traded by the big institutions, particularly the big computer issues.
  7. Hardest hit will be mechanics and ramp workers - which include baggage handlers - who will see their workforce cut by about 1,390 across Canada.
  8. Hardest hit was the state-run electric company.
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