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 CUTS   添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. The nation's biggest computer manufacturer, once an engine of growth and an unrivaled success, said the job cuts and plant closings would cost about$6 billion before taxes, a sum that will be reflected in its bottom line by t
  2. Five hundred jobs were axed as a result of government spending cuts.

  1. NEW CUTS in interest rates aren't likely at next week's Fed parley.
  2. A Freewheeling Approach To Mobility in Factories WHAT CUTS industrial air pollution, reduces U.S. reliance on foreign oil and lowers employee health costs? The tricycle, of course.
  3. DISTRIBUTION OF CUTS: 50 percent to defense, 50 percent to domestic programs.
  4. THE CUTS in RTZ Corporation's UK workforce are to continue with 540 job losses at its MK Electric subsidiary, which makes plugs, sockets and circuit protection equipment, Kenneth Gooding writes.
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