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    Contend \Con*tend"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Contended}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Contending}.] [OF. contendre, L. contendere, -tentum;
    con- + tendere to strech. See {Tend}.]
    1. To strive in opposition; to contest; to dispute; to vie;
    to quarrel; to fight.

    For never two such kingdoms did contend
    Without much fall of blood. --Shak.

    The Lord said unto me, Distress not the Moabites,
    neither contend with them in battle. --Deut. ii. 9.

    In ambitious strength I did
    Contend against thy valor. --Shak.

    2. To struggle or exert one's self to obtain or retain
    possession of, or to defend.

    You sit above, and see vain men below
    Contend for what you only can bestow. --Dryden.

    3. To strive in debate; to engage in discussion; to dispute;
    to argue.

    The question which our author would contend for.

    Many things he fiercely contended about were
    trivial. --Dr. H. More.

    Syn: To struggle; fight; combat; vie; strive; oppose;
    emulate; contest; litigate; dispute; debate.

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