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    [ adj ]
    1. spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination

    2. <adj.all>
      the air near the foundry was always dirty
      a dirty bomb releases enormous amounts of long-lived radioactive fallout
    3. that infects or taints

    4. <adj.all>

    Contaminate \Con*tam"i*nate\ (k[o^]n*t[a^]m"[i^]*n[=a]t), v. t.
    [imp. & p. p. {Contaminated}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Contaminating}.] [L. contaminatus, p. p. of contaminare to
    bring into contact, to contaminate, fr. contamen contagion,
    for contagmen; con- + root of tangere to touch. See
    To soil, stain, or corrupt by contact; to tarnish; to sully;
    to taint; to pollute; to defile.

    Shall we now
    Contaminate our figures with base bribes? --Shak.

    I would neither have simplicity imposed upon, nor
    virtue contaminated. --Goldsmith.

    Syn: To pollute; defile; sully; taint; tarnish; soil; stain;

    contaminating \contaminating\ adj.
    spreading contamination; especially radioactive
    contamination. {clean}

    Syn: dirty.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    2. causing moral or behavioral degredation. the contaminating
    influence of violent movies

    Syn: corrupting.
    [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]

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