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 workstation ['wә:k,steiʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 工作站

[计] 工作站

    [ noun ]
    a desktop digital computer that is conventionally considered to be more powerful than a microcomputer

    1. He declined to predict when Digital would produce a workstation based on that product.
    2. That market has been served by workstation makers like Apollo Computer Inc. and Sun Microsystems Inc.
    3. Depending on the type of software and peripherals used, the machines can serve either as the main computer in a network of many terminals (a role usually filled by a minicomputer), as a technical workstation or as a very fast personal computer.
    4. Seeing itself as a copier company, however, Xerox did not reap the benefit of the ideas embodied in the prototype 'Star workstation'.
    5. However, Sun doesn't have a workstation with the same capabilities as the new Apollo product.
    6. But that machine won't be available until late next year, and IBM's workstation fortunes aren't likely to revive before then.
    7. He is responsible for the company's growing workstation business. Some, however, think that the search for a genius who can fix IBM's problems overnight is bound to be fruitless.
    8. IBM has failed in its past attempts to crack the huge workstation market, but the new effort appears to be shaping up better.
    9. Stephen Barlow-Lawson has created a kidney-shaped workstation.
    10. The power of these machines is usually measured in SPECmarks. According to Dataquest, the entry level machine in 1991 scored between 11 and 26 SPECmarks, the technical machine scored 24 to 72 SPECmarks and the super workstation rated 50 to 159.
    11. Jobs, the "father" of the Apple II and Macintosh, two of the biggest selling computers of the PC generation, unveils his Next Inc. computer workstation on Wednesday.
    12. In addition, the line includes a workstation called the S-281 for use in networks and a low-end, stand-alone model called the M-240.
    13. Also, Mr. Herwick says, "the shift away from proprietary systems to Unix systems in the workstation market is costing DEC market share."
    14. In 1985, Motorola did get a 79% share of the market for the microprocessors used in workstations, but workstation sales are less than a tenth the size of the PC market.
    15. The centerpiece of their plan, the companies said, is to produce a $5,000 workstation within two years.
    16. While the workstation market is a small segment of the overall computer industry, it is among the fastest-growing, and uses for the machines are expanding.
    17. They range from a $14,995 monochrome-display workstation to a $49,985 color-screen version offering three-dimensional modeling and animation.
    18. The guide reinforces the message in even stronger terms: 'There may be a risk of serious injuries from working at your computer workstation' (Compaq's emphasis).
    19. "We'd be self-limiting with existing channels." Motorola, Schaumburg, Ill., will use MicroAge to sell a type of workstation called a server, which businesses use to tie desktop computers into networks and data bases.
    20. Prime said its new PXCL 5500 workstation, with a base price of $74,900, is designed for use by manufacturing, automotive and aerospace engineers.
    21. The Dayton, Ohio-based maker of computers and business machines also introduced a workstation and three products that allow separate computers to communicate with each other.
    22. Peter Smith, vice president of marketing, said that currently Digital is second in quarterly workstation revenue only to Sun Microsystems Inc., Mountain View, Calif.
    23. "We're especially excited about these products," said Motorola's Mr. Goldman, "because it will be the cheapest, simplest way to have both a PC and a workstation."
    24. The cost of each workstation, says Bramall, is about Pounds 2,000. There is the additional cost of the phone lines needed to transmit voice and data calls simultaneously using ISDN (integrated service digital network).
    25. Color, often a crucial feature for the scientists and engineers who are the main workstation users, won't be available for more than two years.
    26. Olivetti also is responsible for all personal-computer and workstation development for American Telephone & Telegraph Co., a relationship that could complicate Olivetti's talks with IBM.
    27. Steve Jobs' Next Inc., in an abrupt switch in marketing tactics, next week will announce plans to sell its "scholar's workstation" through the nation's top retailer of desktop computers to business, industry sources said Thursday.
    28. Ms Peggy Heppelmann, workstation business manager for HP in the UK, says both IBM and Hewlett-Packard are already selling 'a reasonable number' of workstation clusters.
    29. Ms Peggy Heppelmann, workstation business manager for HP in the UK, says both IBM and Hewlett-Packard are already selling 'a reasonable number' of workstation clusters.
    30. In any event, all of the big three workstation leaders have to contend with a potentially invasive rival _IBM.
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