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 wagtail ['wægteil]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 鹩凫

    [ noun ]
    Old World bird having a very long tail that jerks up and down as it walks

    Wagtail \Wag"tail`\, n. (Zo["o]l.)
    Any one of many species of Old World singing birds belonging
    to {Motacilla} and several allied genera of the family
    {Motacillid[ae]}. They have the habit of constantly jerking
    their long tails up and down, whence the name.

    {Field wagtail}, any one of several species of wagtails of
    the genus {Budytes} having the tail shorter, the legs
    longer, and the hind claw longer and straighter, than do
    the water wagtails. Most of the species are yellow
    beneath. Called also {yellow wagtail}.

    {Garden wagtail}, the Indian black-breasted wagtail
    ({Nemoricola Indica}).

    {Pied wagtail}, the common European water wagtail ({Motacilla
    lugubris}). It is variegated with black and white. The
    name is applied also to other allied species having
    similar colors. Called also {pied dishwasher}.

    {Wagtail flycatcher}, a true flycatcher ({Sauloprocta
    motacilloides}) common in Southern Australia, where it is
    very tame, and frequents stock yards and gardens and often
    builds its nest about houses; -- called also {black

    {Water wagtail}.
    (a) Any one of several species of wagtails of the restricted
    genus {Motacilla}. They live chiefly on the shores of
    ponds and streams.
    (b) The American water thrush. See {Water thrush}.

    {Wood wagtail}, an Asiatic wagtail; ({Calobates sulphurea})
    having a slender bill and short legs.

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