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 vegetarian [,vedʒi'tєәriәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 素食者, 食草动物

a. 素食的

[医] 素食者

    [ noun ]
    eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone who eats no meat or fish or (often) any animal products

    Vegetarian \Veg`e*ta"ri*an\, n.
    One who holds that vegetables and fruits are the only proper
    food for man. Strict vegetarians eat no meat, eggs, or milk.

    Vegetarian \Veg`e*ta"ri*an\, a.
    Of or pertaining to vegetarianism; as, a vegetarian diet.

    1. Although he professes to be a vegetarian, Prince won't eat salads and vegetables but he will eat chicken, likes fresh fish and "adores" pasta, Bonilla said.
    2. The entertainer, a vegetarian, ate a normal breakfast of orange juice and toast, but for dinner Damien cooked seven different dishes for him so he would have a choice, Galloway said.
    3. Take Playful Pet Co., which sells perfume, apparel and even vegetarian snacks for dogs and cats.
    4. "I still have the taste of death in my mouth," Underwood said. "I can't eat vegetables grown in the ground because they have dirt around them, like the people dug up in Puente's yard _ and I'm a vegetarian.
    5. Mr. Monks, a 6-foot-6-inch vegetarian who meditates to reduce stress, is philosophical about the fight.
    6. After her refusal to dissect a frog, Miss Graham, a vegetarian, received a zero for that assignment, lowering her grade from A to B. Her records also showed that she balked at her teacher's order.
    7. The holistic spas are often vegetarian and offer such Eastern practices as yoga and Siatsu massage.
    8. He had been a vegetarian for eight years, and then without much ado he went back to eating meat.
    9. Mr. Starr has denied the charge, insisting he is a vegetarian.
    10. And since he's a vegetarian, he has plenty of food and water.
    11. The experimental group comprised 22 of the 41. The 22 followed a low-fat vegetarian diet, took regular exercise, attended stress management classes and did not smoke.
    12. Never mind the more brutish aspects of jungle life: no creature actually eats any other in this fragrant vegetarian Arcady.
    13. He cites a number of vegetarian authors who deny Hitler's membership of the order.
    14. Invoking Hitler is patronising, petty and scarcely amusing. It is estimated that 10 per cent of the UK population are vegetarian.
    15. The vegetarian, teetotal majority will have enacted stiff laws to regulate these dangerous substances and will be especially vigilant in protecting the young.
    16. "Most students who call want to know what their rights are, how they should talk to their teachers," said Pat Graham, mother of Jenifer Graham, a vegetarian whose moral objection to dissection led her to court.
    17. As alternatives to the standard holiday fare, Farm Sanctuary suggests some vegetarian dishes, not all of which may whet the meat lover's appetites.
    18. I don't want to copy." Yet Warhola's Heinz vegetarian baked beans and Heinz ketchup bottles, painted on stark white canvas, easily bring to mind the Campbell's soup can image Warhol made into a pricey museum piece.
    19. There are two vegetarian choices at every meal, one of them vegan, meaning no animal products of any kind.
    20. Zoo officials said the 18-month-old Aardu, a hardy vegetarian, could have survived for months in the woods if necessary.
    21. Zoo officials said Aardu, a hardy vegetarian, could have survived for months.
    22. It also was observed, perhaps inadvertently, by about 500 people who ate vegetarian meals at three soup kitchens in the Pittsburgh area.
    23. A federal judge dismissed a similar lawsuit one year ago in California when high school officials agreed to let the student, a vegetarian, use photographs of a frog that was killed by natural causes.
    24. "I'm a vegetarian restaurant, so I'm feeling more than a pinch," said James McKenna, owner of the Ciao Sidewalk Cafe in Delray Beach, 20 miles north.
    25. Duff is a competent cook, noted for her wholefood and vegetarian writings. The other is The Bread Book, by Linda Collister and Antony Blake (Conran Octopus Pounds 9.99).
    26. The Tax Court rules that vegetarian restaurants and health-food stores run by Seventh-day Adventists shouldn't be exempt from taxes even though they are dedicated to carrying out the church's work.
    27. "You're not my mayor," was among the kinder remarks greeting Des Moines Mayor John "Pat" Dorrian at the Iowa statehouse after he signed a proclamation recognizing the vegetarian holiday.
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