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 universally [`junə'vɚsl.ɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 宇宙, 全世界, 普遍, 一般, 普通, 全体, 一致, 通用, 万能, 广用, 广泛

    [ adv ]
    people universally agree on this

    Universally \U`ni*ver"sal*ly\, adv.
    In a universal manner; without exception; as, God's laws are
    universally binding on his creatures.

    1. The court's opinion in Dennison was authored by Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, universally execrated as the writer of the infamous decision of Dred Scott vs.
    2. By contrast, sharing at least one meal a day is an almost universally desired family activity.
    3. When his native Austria was forcibly separated from the Hapsburg empire after the first world war, it was universally condemned (even by its own inhabitants) as too small to survive.
    4. And, experts say, medical science has not found a treatment that can be applied universally to break the cycle of dependency.
    5. But these procedures are relatively new and there are no universally agreed standards, although the overriding emphasis is on the collection and systematic storage of information.
    6. Der Spiegel, West Germany's leading news magazine, reported the conglomerate, led by the Ferrostaal AG steel firm, built a "universally capable foundry" near the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.
    7. The draft resolution calls for the following new elements: _The "non-return to the universally condemned policies and practices of a recent past" _ a reference to the documented deaths blamed on the Pol Pot regime.
    8. More in evidence are portraits and references to the late Premier Chou En-lai, who remains universally beloved among Chinese.
    9. Companies from Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK have also joined GuT. This embracing by manufacturers of the environmentalists' cause is not universally welcomed.
    10. Moreover, inflationary expectations seem to be almost universally above announced targets.
    11. If the true facts about corporate performance were universally available and understood there would be very little difference of opinion, and hence very little room for trading.
    12. Tass said the passport checks were not being universally enforced in all stores, despite notices on the doors that such documents were required.
    13. Nevertheless, the Reagan administration's anti-terrorism effort is almost universally regarded as a failure.
    14. Bush added that, "the United States must stand wherever, in whatever country, universally for human rights."
    15. Here are whites, Hispanics and Asians: no wonder the blacks in the city sometimes rebel. The Asian 18-year-old, beautifully played by Francois Chau, and oddly called Greg, is universally described as 'smart'.
    16. All items were part of the vast collection of Jacques Guerin, leading French collector and the man who defended the young Marcel Proust long before "Remembrance of Things Past" was universally acclaimed.
    17. His father, known universally as "Big George," had been a revered St. John's football star, remembered for an 82-yard punt.
    18. And the slow and halting recovery in stock prices since the crash last year is just about universally labeled a "bear market rally" that will soon run its course.
    19. It is the most important thing,' he wrote in a book about the company. PG, as he is universally known in Sweden, will doubtless shrug off such awkward echoes from the past.
    20. Hearn is not universally admired in Japan.
    21. The other, which also serves as an ersatz town center, is universally known as "Al The Wop's." Today, only four longtime Chinese residents remain in Locke.
    22. The Treasury projection of a contracting deficit all but disappearing near the end of the decade was almost universally derided.
    23. "The market enters this rally phase with almost universally high skepticism and almost universally high levels of cash," Mr. Metz noted.
    24. "The market enters this rally phase with almost universally high skepticism and almost universally high levels of cash," Mr. Metz noted.
    25. Companies and wealthy individuals hire young men, universally called "office boys," to do their standing and paying.
    26. That latter cross is one that Germans have to bear universally.
    27. Arrayed against them are others who want to use the savings to reduce the 1991 deficit to $64 billion, a goal universally seen as difficult yet one that is required by the Gramm-Rudman balanced-budget law.
    28. These views, however, are not universally shared in the administration.
    29. If Mr. Mehta's tit-for-tat maneuver works for him, it nevertheless isn't a response that is universally admired.
    30. 'It's a global dream that you never quite dared have, and suddenly it's there,' he says. The global dream is not universally shared in the region.
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