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 umbrage ['ʌmbridʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 不快, 生气, 阴影, 树荫, 怀疑等模糊感觉

    [ noun ]
    a feeling of anger caused by being offended
    he took offence at my question

    Umbrage \Um"brage\ (?; 48), n. [F. ombrage shade, suspicion,
    umbrage, L. umbraticus belonging to shade, fr. umbra a shade.
    Cf. {Umber}, {Umbratic}.]
    1. Shade; shadow; obscurity; hence, that which affords a
    shade, as a screen of trees or foliage.

    Where highest woods, impenetrable
    To star or sunlight, spread their umbrage broad.

    2. Shadowy resemblance; shadow. [Obs.]

    The opinion carries no show of truth nor umbrage of
    reason on its side. --Woodward.

    3. The feeling of being overshadowed; jealousy of another, as
    standing in one's light or way; hence, suspicion of injury
    or wrong; offense; resentment.

    Which gave umbrage to wiser than myself. --Evelyn.

    Persons who feel most umbrage from the overshadowing
    aristocracy. --Sir W.

    1. After beating Johnson, Agassi took slight umbrage at the remark.
    2. But Dr. Mansell, director of Houston's now-closed Institute for Immunological Disorders, took umbrage at a reporter's questions about such public-private sector relationships.
    3. He took particular umbrage at a Republican Party ad featuring former test pilot Chuck Yeager saying the Democrats were bad for the defense industry, which is a major employer in Texas.
    4. But at the end, congressional Democrats declared victory and took umbrage when asked about Bush's campaign to paint Congress as slow and inept.
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