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 turntable ['tә:nteibl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 转车台, 唱盘

    [ noun ]
    1. a circular horizontal platform that rotates a phonograph record while it is being played

    2. <noun.artifact>
    3. a revolving tray placed on a dining table

    4. <noun.artifact>
    5. a rotatable platform with a track; used to turn locomotives and cars

    6. <noun.artifact>

    Turntable \Turn"ta`ble\, n.
    A large revolving platform, for turning railroad cars,
    locomotives, etc., in a different direction; -- called also

    1. Eventually the audience was let inside and producer Cameron Mackintosh appeared on stage to explain that the power source that ran the computer, which in turn controls the turntable on stage, had gone out.
    2. A bright yellow sign placed on the horse ferry advises divers to "take nothing but photos." The horse ferry, or "teamboat," was powered by two horses or mules who walked on a large turntable mounted beneath the deck.
    3. But he does allow a massive, turntable set of drab living rooms designed by Andrew Jackness to nearly overwhelm what should be an intimate drama.
    4. Jerry Zaks's snappy direction and Loren Sherman's inventive turntable sets add to the pleasure.
    5. He grabbed a turntable needle and two cassette tapes of rap and pop music he had assembled.
    6. Nowa Sol has no turntable; it is impossible to spin the train around.
    7. In a terrific scene grandly conducted by James Conlon, they pack themselves into a small wooden chapel and burn themselves up, singing and spinning on a turntable stage.
    8. All the action took place on a turntable 50 feet in diameter.
    9. Characters assume poses like statues, moving one hand slowly, and sometimes turning in place like mannequins on a turntable.
    10. Three characters dressed in rags and torn revolutionary uniforms come on stage twirling, imitating the turntable that spins incessantly in the show.
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