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 trivialize ['triviәlaiz]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使平凡, 使琐碎

    [ verb ]
    make trivial or insignificant
    <verb.communication> trivialise
    Don't trivialize the seriousness of the issue!

    1. Former staffers accuse Mr. Berle of trying to "trivialize" the magazine's content in pursuit of more and younger readers.
    2. His copies are at once acts of love and of aggression, acts that simultaneously celebrate and trivialize Picasso, in about equal degrees.
    3. Editorial cheap shots trivialize the enormous public health and safety concerns involved.
    4. Ackerman said he was not trying to trivialize the debate.
    5. While well-intentioned, this coverage sometimes serves only to trivialize the larger issues.
    6. But the laughs also get in the way and finally trivialize the serious story Sorkin is trying to tell.
    7. Have you broken the law?" Although Ackerman said he was not trying to trivialize the debate, Rep. James Inhofe, R-Okla., said he was offended.
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