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 testosterone [tɛs'tɑstə`ron]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 睾丸激素

[化] 睾酮

[医] 睾酮, 睾丸素

    [ noun ]
    a potent androgenic hormone produced chiefly by the testes; responsible for the development of male secondary sex characteristics

    Testosterone \Tes*tos"ter*one\ (t[e^]s*t[o^]s"t[~e]r*[=o]n), n.
    [testes + o + sterone a steroid ketone.]
    a steroid hormone ({C19H28O2}) produced mostly in the testes,
    which is responsible for producing the secondary sexual
    characteristics of males.

    1. West German law forbids the use of testosterone in raising cattle.
    2. "In other words, testosterone is good for men," she said.
    3. She said she is now studying how men's abilities might vary according to the level of testosterone.
    4. Leuprolide stops production of the hormone by the testes, and flutamide is believed to inhibit the hormone's action on cancer cells by blocking the receptor sites that testosterone uses in the cells, the FDA said.
    5. Cyoctol blocks the sites on the walls of the scalp cells at which the male hormone testosterone attaches to cause male pattern baldness.
    6. She found that men with high testosterone also have higher levels of high density lipoprotein, or HDL, the so-called good cholesterol that protects people from heart attacks.
    7. Anabolic steroids _ synthetic versions of the male hormone testosterone _ are used by some athletes and weightlifters to stimulate the production of proteins that increase muscle size and strength.
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