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 sustenance ['sʌstənəns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 生活资料, 生计, 食物, 支持

[法] 营养物, 维持, 支持

    [ noun ]
    1. a source of materials to nourish the body

    2. <noun.food>
    3. the financial means whereby one lives

    4. <noun.possession>
      each child was expected to pay for their keep
      he applied to the state for support
      he could no longer earn his own livelihood
    5. the act of sustaining life by food or providing a means of subsistence

    6. <noun.act>
      they were in want of sustenance
      fishing was their main sustainment

    Sustenance \Sus"te*nance\, n. [OF. sustenance, sostenance,
    soustenance: cf. L. sustenentia endurance. See {Sustain}.]
    1. The act of sustaining; support; maintenance; subsistence;
    as, the sustenance of the body; the sustenance of life.

    2. That which supports life; food; victuals; provisions;
    means of living; as, the city has ample sustenance. ``A
    man of little sustenance.'' --Chaucer.

    For lying is thy sustenance, thy food. --Milton.

    1. Awash in money from the annual Open, which it operates, the USTA spends about $3 million a year providing coaching and other sustenance for the more-promising of the young American players.
    2. They draw morale and political sustenance from the Basque public that regularly votes for Herri Batasuna.
    3. He finds a fascinating wealth of evidence of Hawthorne's imagination drawing sustenance from the troubled of past of New England, and he discerns in some of the works a spirit of inquiry into the nature of fiction.
    4. As often in current markets, the stock index futures sector dominated much of the proceedings. The September contract on the FT-SE Index attracted support, and the expanding premium gave sustenance to the underlying blue chip stocks.
    5. Divine Words, written in 1920, is more about degradation, superstition and all forms of primitivism than about the absence of sustenance.
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