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 spousal ['spaʊzl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 结婚, 结亲, 婚礼

a. 结婚的

    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to a wedding

    2. <adj.pert>
      bridal procession
      nuptial day
      spousal rites
      wedding cake
      marriage vows
    3. relating to a spouse

    4. <adj.pert>
      a fitting symbol of spousal love

    Spousal \Spous"al\ (-al), a. [See {Espousal}, {Sponsal}, and
    Of or pertaining to a spouse or marriage; nuptial;
    matrimonial; conjugal; connubial; bridal; as, spousal rites;
    spousal ornaments. --Wordsworth.

    Spousal \Spous"al\, n. [See {Espousal}, {Spouse}.]
    Marriage; nuptials; espousal; -- generally used in the
    plural; as, the spousals of Hippolita. --Dryden.

    Boweth your head under that blissful yoke . . .
    Which that men clepeth spousal or wedlock. --Chaucer.

    The spousals of the newborn year. --Emerson.

    1. At the time of his arrest, Ruiz was on violation for spousal battery and tampering with a vehicle.
    2. In 1976, the court struck down a Missouri law requiring spousal consent before a woman could obtain an abortion during the first 12 weeks of her pregnancy.
    3. "Nine," she replied. "And that's not counting repeats and licenses I didn't use." Besides the sparse spousal straits, Inez is also unhappy about Jacksboro Highway's tarnished image.
    4. For the most part, the business world has resisted the demands of the gay and lesbian movement to expand spousal benefit coverage.
    5. The partners must sign an affidavit that they are each other's "sole spousal equivalent and intend to remain so indefinitely," that they live together and that they are responsible for each other's welfare.
    6. As Moody's wife when the alleged crimes occurred, it is Mrs. Moody's choice whether to invoke spousal immunity from testifying, lawyers said.
    7. If entire law firms can be thrown off cases because of spousal conflicts, he says, it "would be devastating for a lot of clients." It could also be devastating for a lot of couples.
    8. Court documents prepared by attorney S. David Rosensen seek unspecified spousal support.
    9. "I would think that's an awfully tough defense to establish, even in a spousal situation, never mind a mother and son," he says.
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