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 spongy ['spʌndʒi]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 海绵状的, 海绵质的, 多孔的

[医] 海绵状的, 海绵构造的

    spongier, spongiest
    [ adj ]
    1. easily squashed; resembling a sponge in having soft porous texture and compressibility

    2. <adj.all>
      spongy bread
    3. like a sponge in being able to absorb liquids and yield it back when compressed

    4. <adj.all>

    Spongy \Spon"gy\ (sp[u^]n"j[y^]), a.
    1. Soft, and full of cavities; of an open, loose, pliable
    texture; as, a spongy excrescence; spongy earth; spongy
    cake; spongy bones.

    2. Wet; drenched; soaked and soft, like sponge; rainy.
    ``Spongy April.'' --Shak.

    3. Having the quality of imbibing fluids, like a sponge.

    {Spongy lead} (Chem.), sponge lead. See under {Sponge}.

    {Spongy platinum}. See under {Platinum}.

    1. The slaughter was triggered by demand for meat to feed the rail crews and the crowded East, a new tanning method that let the spongy hides be used as leather, and political expediency _ to destroy the Plains Indians' food supply.
    2. But instead of being thick, black and spongy, the soil looks grey and loses its spring.
    3. It yields three-dimensional images, which Goldstein is using to study trabecular bone _ a porous, spongy, shock-absorbing structure found near joints.
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