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 splicing [splaɪs添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] 接合的

[化] 剪接

    [ noun ]
    a junction where two things (as paper or film or magnetic tape) have been joined together
    the break was due to an imperfect splice

    Splice \Splice\ (spl[imac]s), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spliced}
    (spl[imac]st); p. pr. & vb. n. {Splicing}.] [D. splitsen,
    splitten; akin to G. splissen, Sw. splissa, Dan. splisse, and
    E. split; -- from the dividing or splitting the ends into
    separate strands. See {Split}, v. t.]
    1. To unite, as two ropes, or parts of a rope, by a
    particular manner of interweaving the strands, -- the
    union being between two ends, or between an end and the
    body of a rope.

    2. To unite, as spars, timbers, rails, etc., by lapping the
    two ends together, or by applying a piece which laps upon
    the two ends, and then binding, or in any way making fast.

    3. To unite in marriage. [Slang]

    {Splice grafting}.ee under {Grafting}.

    {To splice the main brace} (Naut.), to give out, or drink, an
    extra allowance of spirits on occasion of special exposure
    to wet or cold, or to severe fatigue; hence, to take a

    1. Two companies are testing recombinant factor VIII, made through gene splicing techniques, that should provide the treatment without possible contamination from microbes or impurities.
    2. Genentech, South San Francisco, is a biotechnology company developing a number of human pharmaceutical products based on gene splicing.
    3. The clotting protein made by gene splicing also should end fears hemophiliacs might catch blood-borne diseases such as AIDS.
    4. The Food and Drug Administration said Friday it is too early to blame the deaths of 27 Americans who took L-tryptophan directly on gene splicing.
    5. RNA editing differs in an important way from RNA splicing and other forms of RNA processing that were known previously, Stuart said.
    6. It found that 6,000-foot reels are optimum-less splicing, more compatible with modern projection methods and cheaper, after switch-over expenses.
    7. This led to the discovery of splicing - the assembly of information from the segments.
    8. Each nonsense stretch of RNA was actually cutting itself out and splicing the two remaining ends together to form a complete, uninterrupted sentence for the making of a protein.
    9. The synthetic vaccine was produced by splicing a protein from the outer surface of the AIDS virus onto the vaccinia virus, a staple vaccine long used to immunize people against smallpox.
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