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 spices 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. Please add more spices to the cake.
  2. The drink was mixed with aromatic spices.

  1. Men doze at tables laden with spices.
  2. AFTER more than 40 years in exile, Mr Peter Zwack is back in Hungary making the liqueur which five generations of his family developed into the country's most popular drink. Zwack Unicum, a blend of more than 40 herbs and spices, was introduced in 1790.
  3. Josephson said that while food irradiation currently is being used in the United States only to process spices, elsewhere around the world it is being utilized with 14 foods in 20 countries including France, Japan and the Soviet Union.
  4. He set up a small wooden stand in the bazaar, where veiled women display fruits, nuts and spices and the shouts of peasants selling camel legs compete with the muezzins calling the Moslem faithful to prayer at the city mosques.
  5. In addition to wheat, irradiation is permitted for potatoes, onions, flour, ground spices and dehydrated seasonings.
  6. The Kobrand people say Americans have trouble choosing wines to suit the varied flavors and spices of Thanksgiving foods, creating an opportunity for a Shaw nouveau with mass appeal.
  7. It says substitutes for pepper have been developed, but have not yet made an impression on the market. 'However, the availability of spices in forms other than the 100 per cent natural spice needs to be monitored.
  8. Radiation Technology sterilizes surgical equipment, spices, food additives, cosmetics and other products by briefly exposing them to high-energy gamma radiation.
  9. The FDA already has authorized limited uses of irradiation to inhibit sprouting in potatoes, retard spoilage in produce, and control insects in herbs, spices, grains and other foods.
  10. The National Rolaids Heartburn Index blames that searing sensation on sociology, not spices.
  11. The tension between the two communities arises from differences in race, religion and language that have simmered for centuries on this lush island of coconut palms, tea and spices.
  12. The New York Racing Association, eager to hype its attractions, annually spices the Travers by pointing to all the notable favorites that have lost it.
  13. India has agreed to provide a credit of Dollars 85m to enable Russia to buy four agricultural commodities - tea, coffee, tobacco and spices.
  14. I downed one version filled with ricotta and another made with peas and spices.
  15. One room displays piles of almonds, nuts, spices, flower petals and dyes, emulating a Phoenician market place.
  16. Boesl's recipe calls for a four-pound roast to be rubbed with a variety of spices and put on the barbeque for over an hour.
  17. An association newsletter also noted that the three leading spices in tonnage for 1987 were mustard seed, sesame seed, and pepper.
  18. At least 20 nations already irradiate produce and spices. The World Health Organization encourages the procedure, which can help combat such harmful micro-organisms as salmonella in poultry, cholera in fish and trichinosis in pork.
  19. RTI irradiates medical products and spices.
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