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 specially ['speʃәli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ adv ]
    1. in a special manner

    2. <adv.all>
      a specially arranged dinner
    3. to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common

    4. <adv.all>
      he was particularly fussy about spelling
      a particularly gruesome attack
      under peculiarly tragic circumstances
      an especially (or specially) cautious approach to the danger

    Specially \Spe"cial*ly\, adv.
    1. In a special manner; particularly; especially. --Chaucer.

    2. For a particular purpose; as, a meeting of the legislature
    is specially summoned.

    1. The last tiny dusky died of old age in June in a specially designed environment on Discovery Island, a Walt Disney World zoological park primarily for birds.
    2. He said Iran's Boeings were regularly serviced in Western Europe and that complex maintenance operations are done abroad, or by foreign engineers specially flown in for the purpose.
    3. The story is introduced by eye-catching graphics of the pointing finger accompanied by a specially produced rock theme song with "Shame, shame, shame, shame on you" lyrics.
    4. They flew on board a specially configured Qantas Boeing 747-300 jet that included a mini-hospital staffed by Royal Australian Air Force surgeons in case any of the veterans became ill during the trip.
    5. Mr. Sova says he, and seven other managers who didn't want to leave, were put in a specially created area that was bare except for desks and telephones.
    6. Under the 25-year agreement, China, which is connected to Udokan by the Baikul-Amur Railway, would in turn dispatch the concentrate to smelters which it will build specially to cope with the concentrate's high sulphur content.
    7. For years pharmacist Edward Kilkeary used arthritis medication, saline solution and sterilizing equipment to whip up hundreds of tiny bottles of specially prescribed eye drops for cataract patients.
    8. The new rules continue to require that payments for other obligations be made into a specially designated account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, to be held "for the benefit of the Panamanian people."
    9. A recent story stating that specially grown or packaged tomatoes usually cost $2 to $3 a pound didn't specify the price of the Natural Pak product cited in the article.
    10. In Europe, where copying masterpieces is a centuries-old craft, specially trained painters often use the pigments and brushes typical of the period of the original.
    11. They have to have specially cut shirts and stocks, and the pin-striped assistants in the ecclesiastical outfitters perspire pinkly as they circle those glorious but unfamiliar contours with their trembling measuring tapes.
    12. Most of the day's proceedings involved legal conferences out of the jury's hearing by the opposing lawyers with Common Pleas Judge John Lavelle of Carbon County, specially appointed by the Supreme Court to try the case.
    13. Correct, appetising and discounted specially for Christmas.
    14. Deutsche Bank is underwriting the issue. The prime mover behind IFH, specially constituted to bid for Interbanc, is Mr Carlos Rodriguez Pastor, Peru's economy minister in the early 1980s.
    15. USING the Victorian Gothic vastness of St Pancras Station to show specially commissioned work by a selection of contemporary artists is an exciting idea, which has been brought to fruition in an exhibition organised by Camden Arts Centre.
    16. The redemption, financed by a specially created sinking fund, is aimed at improving earnings on Presidio's common stock, a spokeswoman said.
    17. If and when the Afghan insurgents slip out of the mountains and attempt to take this capital city, the government's last line of defense will be a politically select and specially trained elite guard.
    18. Ms. Glass said Hershey has cooperated with the Army since 1937 in providing specially made chocolate bars.
    19. The first U.S. Army units said to be headed for Saudi Arabia are specially trained and equipped for rapid deployment in crisis zones.
    20. Morel's report showed that one problem facing negotiators is that poison gas can easily be produced with readily available chemicals in plants not specially designed for the purpose.
    21. Kaczorowski, 71, was received as a head of state as he returned to his homeland for the first time on a specially dispatched government plane.
    22. The device, which would sell for under $1,000, would display the audio, visual and text content of a specially made CD and would pit Apple against Nintendo Inc. for the loyalty of the world's electronic-entertainment addicts.
    23. The luxurious 320-room Mansour Melia in Baghdad's Salhiya district was built by a Spanish company specially to accommodate heads of state slated to attend the 1982 summit of the non-aligned movement.
    24. Such liquid diets require management by a specially trained physician, and by a behavioral psychologist and dietician, the doctors wrote in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
    25. A specially made table 29 feet in diameter has been delivered to the Jablonna Palace for the expected talks between representatives of authorities and the opposition, a furniture maker said.
    26. The weapons will be destroyed at a later date in a specially built incinerator on the U.S. atoll, 800 miles southwest of Hawaii.
    27. The 30-year-old male gorilla was introduced to a pair of female gorillas in a specially designed room.
    28. Wearing a light blue toga with pants and sunglasses to protect his eyes, Hudson walked through a widened doorway and onto a specially constructed, elevated concrete patio.
    29. Yet he rejects flatly any suggestion that he has a specially important role.
    30. The device consists of a specially designed, five-horsepower hydraulic fan that collects bugs in wire mesh bags after sucking them off plants, said Harold Nelson, who designed VAC-US with Don Neumann, his partner in Daco Farm Supply.
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