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 solace ['sɒlis]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 安慰, 安慰之物

vt. 安慰, 抚慰, 给与安慰, 使轻松

    [ noun ]
    1. the comfort you feel when consoled in times of disappointment

    2. <noun.feeling>
      second place was no consolation to him
    3. comfort in disappointment or misery

    4. <noun.state>
    5. the act of consoling; giving relief in affliction

    6. <noun.act>
      his presence was a consolation to her
    [ verb ]
    1. give moral or emotional strength to

    2. <verb.emotion> comfort console soothe

    Solace \Sol"ace\, n. [OF. solas, ssoulaz, L. solacium, solatium,
    fr. solari to comfort, console. Cf. {Console}, v. t.]
    1. Comfort in grief; alleviation of grief or anxiety; also,
    that which relieves in distress; that which cheers or
    consoles; relief.

    In business of mirth and of solace. --Chaucer.

    The proper solaces of age are not music and
    compliments, but wisdom and devotion. --Rambler.

    2. Rest; relaxation; ease. [Obs.]

    To make his steed some solace. --Chaucer.

    Syn: Comfort; consolation; alleviation; relief.

    Solace \Sol"ace\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Solaced}; p. pr. & vb. n.
    {Solacing}.] [OF. solacier, soulacier, F. solacier, LL.
    solatiare. See {Solace}, n.]
    1. To cheer in grief or under calamity; to comfort; to
    relieve in affliction, solitude, or discomfort; to
    console; -- applied to persons; as, to solace one with the
    hope of future reward.

    2. To allay; to assuage; to soothe; as, to solace grief.

    Syn: To comfort; assuage; allay. See {Comfort}.

    Solace \Sol"ace\, v. i.
    To take comfort; to be cheered. --Shak.

    1. Thousands of U.S. servicemen on rest and recreational leaves spent freely on women, liquor and temporary solace in the numerous bars crowding the district.
    2. Also providing some solace for municipal bond professionals is the fact that commercial banks are becoming more active as underwriters, rather than as investors.
    3. In the midst of their torment, some managers found solace.
    4. Knowing that you have done nothing wrong is no solace when confronted by Chinese officialdom.
    5. Disappointed Democrats found solace in gains in both houses of the Congress.
    6. Actor Lou Gossett says when he failed to get a flood of movie offers after winning an Oscar in 1983 for his role as a tough sergeant in "An Officer and a Gentleman," he blamed it on racism and sought solace in drugs and alcohol.
    7. I find great solace in that after a week of 12-hour days.
    8. Good soup is solace and comfort, food and drink conveniently rolled into one, and I rate a bowl of the piping hot stuff as an essential reviver after a morning at my desk. The soups that I eat are home-made.
    9. So they sit tight, looking for solace in faint hope and deep cynicism.
    10. But the refugees appear to be finding some solace in the generosity shown by leaders of neighboring Persian Gulf states.
    11. The ATL union had a vote of 82.7 per cent in favour on a turnout of 56.8 per cent. However Mr John Patten, education secretary, could take solace from the growing evidence of a split between the teachers' unions over next year's tests.
    12. These days, churches of all kinds are finding spiritual and financial solace in unorthodox edifices: bankrupt shopping centers, banks and office buildings.
    13. If Boston doesn't win a pennant, there is at least some small solace in the knowledge that the Yankees won't either.
    14. Those who cling to national sovereignty are seeking solace in an empty shell.
    15. The Rev. Eugene Profeta, the preacher Jessica Hahn said she turned to for solace after her sexual encounter with deposed PTL leader Jim Bakker, was sentenced today to six months in jail for witness tampering and tax charges.
    16. The delegation, sponsored by the Appeal of Conscience Foundation, said more and more people in those countries are turning to religion for solace and hope in the face of vast economic and political changes.
    17. Eugene Profeta, the minister Jessica Hahn turned to for solace after her sexual encounter with television evangelist Jim Bakker, got a six-month jail sentence Monday in a tax case she helped put together.
    18. Following last week's stock-market crash, millions of Americans found some solace in the thought that the financial industry's young upstarts might finally be getting theirs.
    19. He said, `I know what it's like to be part of a good offensive.'" But most of these teen-agers took little solace in the U.S.'s apparent triumph in the first night of bombing.
    20. Firefighting helicopters droned overhead as churchgoers from fire-ravaged neighborhoods gave thanks and sought solace.
    21. Here was the turmoil of Paris next to the solace of Compiegne, revolutionary hysteria face-to-face with religious order, mundane chatter amid a world of prayer.
    22. You seek solace from the U.S. government and you look to Canada for answers about why he died.
    23. The only solace is the thought (hope) that this keg has to tap out sometime.
    24. After all, we practice around the world." These soothing words provide little solace for Mr. Jenvey, who still cannot sign audit opinions in New York.
    25. However, several market watchers took solace in the fact that the market reacted in a level-headed fashion to the U.S. trade data, which would likely provide a calming influence over the next several days.
    26. "But the average person will find a lot of solace being among friends, sharing Christmas dinne, singing a couple of carols," he said.
    27. For all of that, she supports President Bush, hopes the war will end quickly and finds solace in her own deep religious convictions.
    28. She told the newspaper that prisoners could fight off "a breakdown" for five years at the most, but "then the organism catastrophically weakens" and prisoners seek solace in smoking, lesbianism and narcotics.
    29. They will lose their property." Desperate people find solace in faint hopes.
    30. The Arcadian case did provide some solace to Arcadian Phosphates, the jilted buyer.
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