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 sensual ['senʃuәl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 肉欲的, 感觉的, 感觉论的

    [ adj ]
    1. marked by the appetites and passions of the body

    2. <adj.all>
      animal instincts
      carnal knowledge
      fleshly desire
      a sensual delight in eating
      music is the only sensual pleasure without vice
    3. sexually exciting or gratifying

    4. <adj.all>
      sensual excesses
      a sultry look
      a sultry dance

    Sensual \Sen"su*al\, a. [L. sensualis, from sensus sense: cf. F.
    1. Pertaining to, consisting in, or affecting, the sense, or
    bodily organs of perception; relating to, or concerning,
    the body, in distinction from the spirit.

    Pleasing and sensual rites and ceremonies. --Bacon.

    Far as creation's ample range extends,
    The scale of sensual, mental powers ascends. --Pope.

    2. Hence, not spiritual or intellectual; carnal; fleshly;
    pertaining to, or consisting in, the gratification of the
    senses, or the indulgence of appetites; wordly.

    These be they who separate themselves, sensual,
    having not the Spirit. --Jude 19.

    The greatest part of men are such as prefer . . .
    that good which is sensual before whatsoever is most
    divine. --Hooker.

    3. Devoted to the pleasures of sense and appetite; luxurious;
    voluptuous; lewd; libidinous.

    No small part of virtue consists in abstaining from
    that wherein sensual men place their felicity.

    4. Pertaining or peculiar to the philosophical doctrine of

    1. She testified Mrs. Lundgren taught female cult members to be "carnal, sensual and devilish" and helped plan the Avery slayings.
    2. Beth Cox, summer minister for the Fairfax Unitarian Church in Virginia, said Christ could have been tempted by the sensual.
    3. "But after a few months of casting _ I like to see everyone I can _ I thought it would be more effective to go with someone who was not obviously sensual from the outset," he said.
    4. She was fragile, yet strong; innocent, yet worldly; elfin, childlike, sensual and quietly elegant.
    5. Our stories are provocative. I won't say sensual because that would give the wrong impression, but sometimes they are." Bell said he is in good shape to weather the strike of the Writers Guild of America, provided it's settled soon.
    6. Donatello sculpted her as a gaunt ascetic; Titian made her a sensual beauty; in Martin Scorsese's film The Last Temptation of Christ she is a sexy seductress.
    7. The language - both Spanish and English - is sensual and visual, using Lorca's own poems.
    8. Cranach's all but naked Justice is a sensual, languid creature.
    9. Gregarious, emotional, sensual, jealous of their traditions and and ferociously proud of their fertile land, they have far more in common with the Mediterraneans than their cousins to the frozen north.
    10. It's warm and sensual," Taylor said. "I think Eternity stands for love, romance and commitment." Regardless of the values they espouse, both perfumes have the smell of money.
    11. And of the four fine Gauguins, it is the haunting double portrait of a gaunt Polynesian mother and her subdued but sensual grown daughter that stops you in your tracks.
    12. Ackland's cuckolded Broughton is perfect in his restraint. Dance, however, seems almost miscast: He is not a looker nor particularly sensual.
    13. Like Marilyn Monroe, she appears vulnerable and naive one moment, knowing and sensual the next.
    14. He faced an even greater challenge with Milan Kundera's 1984 philosophical, sensual and political novel about deeply troubled times in Czechoslovakia during the Soviet invasion of 1968.
    15. The show was energized by the hot-and-cold relationship between Miss Shepherd's sensual princess and Willis' irreverent, street-wise character, David Addison.
    16. One has heard more passionately sensual accounts of the love scene but few so clear, so probing.
    17. Sarandon is much less convincing making impassioned pleas for the working class to Spader's smug relations than she is showing him the sensual ropes.
    18. Vietnamese women once again are wearing the ao dai, the sensual, elegant traditional dress that rigid Communists suppressed for years in favor of drab shirts and black trousers.
    19. During the five-day event, Sept. 6-10, couples vie for crowns in both elegant traditional ballroom and sensual Latin styles.
    20. Guillem and Legris danced to music by the 19th century French composer Daniel Auber and then returned later in black leotards to present a sensual modern piece.
    21. They said they learned the sensual dance from the video of the Brazilian band and dance troupe Kaoma.
    22. The joy of the Savoy is that it does bring back colour to interior design in a provocative, sensual and slightly shocking way.
    23. Into his seedy sphere steps the ever-so-straight Sir Jock Delves Broughton (Joss Ackland), a reserved 57-year-old, and his sensual 27-year-old bride, Diana (Scacchi).
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