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 saliva [sә'laivә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 唾液, 唾沫, 涎

[医] 涎, 唾液

    [ noun ]
    a clear liquid secreted into the mouth by the salivary glands and mucous glands of the mouth; moistens the mouth and starts the digestion of starches

    Saliva \Sa*li"va\, n. [L.; cf. Gr. ?.] (Physiol.)
    The secretion from the salivary glands.

    Note: In man the saliva is a more or less turbid and slighty
    viscid fluid, generally of an alkaline reaction, and is
    secreted by the parotid, submaxillary, and sublingual
    glands. In the mouth the saliva is mixed with the
    secretion from the buccal glands. The secretions from
    the individual salivary glands have their own special
    characteristics, and these are not the same in all
    animals. In man and many animals mixed saliva, i.e.,
    saliva composed of the secretions of all three of the
    salivary glands, is an important digestive fluid on
    account of the presence of the peculiar enzyme,

    1. She said the same argument used now that AIDS is not transmitted by saliva was used in 1983 to rule out transmission of the virus by blood transfusions, and the number of documented cases in each instance was the same: five.
    2. Chances of AIDS transmission by saliva are extremely low, said David Weeks.
    3. When enough saliva has been collected the stick attached to the swab turns blue.
    4. Day said the same reluctance to look at possible AIDS infection through contact with unbroken skin and saliva is cheating the public of important knowledge.
    5. The report also said that although 30 percent of the adult population smokes, there are detectable levels of cotinine, a metabolic product of nicotine, detected in the blood, saliva and urine of 50 to 75 percent of nonsmokers tested.
    6. Previous guidelines suggested that schools be cautious about children who bite or who weren't toilet trained, in case the AIDS virus might be transmitted through saliva or handling diapers.
    7. It then diffuses sodium fluoride through a thin membrane into the saliva for six months.
    8. Here then are some tips on how to clearly communicate your true intentions over the phone: Since the listener's ear is near the heat of your breath, the phone magnifies the gurgling of phlegm and saliva.
    9. But studies have shown that saliva can contain small amounts of the virus, and it could have been transmitted through the prostitute's saliva.
    10. But studies have shown that saliva can contain small amounts of the virus, and it could have been transmitted through the prostitute's saliva.
    11. That testimony referred to exposure to the AIDS virus through tears, saliva and urine.
    12. Everyone was cheering." That included Leland Gershell, who spent the last 18 months designing and performing an experiment that linked the fluoride content of dental patients' saliva with their susceptibility to cavities.
    13. Another planned project includes taking saliva samples during the flight to determine how an anti-motion sickness drug is absorbed by the body in zero gravity.
    14. Semen, vaginal fluids and blood are known to transmit the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), but not tears, sweat and saliva.
    15. Usted no adquiere el virus del SIDA por la saliva, sudor, laagrimas, orima, ni excrementos.
    16. Researchers now must isolate the neutralizing element in saliva, find out how it works and then learn how to activate it in the body as a defense against AIDS, said Mandel, a pioneer in the study of saliva as a protective factor against disease.
    17. Researchers now must isolate the neutralizing element in saliva, find out how it works and then learn how to activate it in the body as a defense against AIDS, said Mandel, a pioneer in the study of saliva as a protective factor against disease.
    18. Police forces in England and Wales already use the sophisticated technique, which matches DNA extracts found in a suspect's blood, semen, hair or saliva with evidence found at a crime scene.
    19. Hawkins' statement came only two days after a Dallas detective and FBI agents picked Railey up in California, where he now lives, and had him give blood and saliva samples.
    20. By testing their saliva before, during and after the mission, doctors hope to learn about drug absorption.
    21. Even an innocent kiss can be a violation. The more devout will even avoid swallowing their own saliva.
    22. OraSure is a saliva collection device.
    23. The saliva collection device could be used to test for diseases from hepatitis to herpes, says Ms. Worton.
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