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 retraining [ˌri:'treiniŋ添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 再训练

    [ noun ]
    training for a new occupation

    1. Some reportedly took early retirement and some were permitted to transfer to the Citizens Militia after retraining.
    2. Even pilots who have crossed the picket lines have had to undergo some retraining after being on strike for months.
    3. Norwich Union has had its 800-strong sales force suspended for retraining.
    4. The plan would extend unemployment compensation for an additional six months and provide retraining assistance at a cost of $50 million a year for workers displaced by tighter air pollution requirements.
    5. Persuading industry to set up worksite technology training and retraining centers.
    6. The 'exit programme', an Indian phrase meaning the redeployment or retraining or sacking of redundant workers, has already led to one strike.
    7. In a recent booklet entitled Stopping Unemployment, they argue that unemployment benefits should be limited to a maximum of 12 months, and combined with extensive counselling and retraining.
    8. Sponsored chiefly by Senator Dan Quayle, this legislation has been very effective in retraining citizens to become productive wage earners again.
    9. All are considered unlikely to find buyers. Last year about 6,000 workers from IRO companies were offered a year's retraining on full pay, but no such provision was made for the remainder. Just over 8 per cent of the Greek workforce is unemployed.
    10. 'I am deeply convinced that (President George) Bush won't' His decision not to seek renegotiation will limit the scope of changes to provisions like job retraining.
    11. But the Labor Department said workers could receive federal aid for retraining and other services if the plant is declared to be a casualty of foreign competition.
    12. Troubles at the facility have cost Philadelphia Electric about $116 million in replacement power costs, a rate reduction connected to the closure, and expenses for retraining control-room operators.
    13. "They have to go through a daylong orientation meeting for retraining and safety," Walker said.
    14. Half are imported." Moreover, Melman argues, defense managers are incapable of making the leap without retraining.
    15. The most unsettling aspect of job search and retraining programs is that many workers who find stable jobs must sacrifice their former standard of living.
    16. Economics Minister Gerhard Pohl said the government will discuss the possibility of closing down large sections of industies to conduct massive retraining programs.
    17. Conferees approved a new retraining entitlement program that would add to the budget deficit, and Senator Lloyd Bentsen (D., Tex.) made sure it has a provision that covers oil and gas workers laid off as far back as 1985.
    18. A family of jetliners gives airlines the flexibility to match planes to route requirements, and it lets them cut down the costs of training, because pilots and technicians can be certified on the entire range of aircraft without extensive retraining.
    19. Local officials hope that, with retraining, some laid-off aerospace workers can find other manufacturing jobs.
    20. House lawmakers likely would claim that the money would go to education, job retraining and social services.
    21. More than one-third of the nation's 1 million teachers are enrolled in retraining programs.
    22. Meanwhile, Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio, said the decision to shift management authority from DOE's production side to the cleanup offices was a major step toward ending uranium production Fernald and should trigger a retraining program for workers.
    23. Workers are now aware that GM has to be more competitive, but also that retraining and counseling support is available, a spokesman says.
    24. This "new majority," typically employed and in need of retraining, can't move to a dorm for four years.
    25. In its order, the NRC also questioned the candor of four supervisors and asked Kerr-McGee to explain why the four should continue in their jobs without at least some disciplinary action or retraining.
    26. Communities help by searching for retraining funds and persuading healthy companies to create jobs.
    27. He said he is committed to "close bipartisan cooperation" on the trade negotiations and pledged to ensure "adequate assistance and effective retraining for dislocated workers."
    28. However, they said financial assistance from Washington and a national job retraining program should not be options.
    29. But Wong is skeptical about retraining workers.
    30. Earlier this year, the board undertook more than 100 improvements, including the removal of wooden panels from escalators, staff retraining and reinforcement of liaison procedures with emergency services.
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