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 research [ri'sә:tʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 研究, 调查, 考察

vi. 研究, 调查

[医] 研究

    [ noun ]
    1. systematic investigation to establish facts

    2. <noun.act>
    3. a search for knowledge

    4. <noun.cognition>
      their pottery deserves more research than it has received
    [ verb ]
    1. attempt to find out in a systematically and scientific manner

    2. <verb.communication>
      The student researched the history of that word
    3. inquire into

    4. <verb.cognition> explore search
      the students had to research the history of the Second World War for their history project
      He searched for information on his relatives on the web
      Scientists are exploring the nature of consciousness

    Research \Re*search"\ (r?-s?rch"), n. [Pref. re- + search: cf
    OF. recerche, F. recherche.]
    1. Diligent inquiry or examination in seeking facts or
    principles; laborious or continued search after truth; as,
    researches of human wisdom; to research a topic in the
    library; medical research.

    The dearest interests of parties have frequently
    been staked on the results of the researches of
    antiquaries. --Macaulay.

    2. Systematic observation of phenomena for the purpose of
    learning new facts or testing the application of theories
    to known facts; -- also called {scientific research}. This
    is the research part of the phrase ``research and
    development'' (R&D).

    Note: The distinctive characteristic of scientific research
    is the maintenance of records and careful control or
    observation of conditions under which the phenomena are
    studied so that others will be able to reproduce the
    observations. When the person conducting the research
    varies the conditions beforehand in order to test
    directly the effects of changing conditions on the
    results of the observation, such investigation is
    called {experimental research} or {experimentation} or
    {experimental science}; it is often conducted in a
    laboratory. If the investigation is conducted with a
    view to obtaining information directly useful in
    producing objects with commercial or practical utility,
    the research is called {applied research}.
    Investigation conducted for the primary purpose of
    discovering new facts about natural phenomena, or to
    elaborate or test theories about natural phenomena, is
    called {basic research} or {fundamental research}.
    Research in fields such as astronomy, in which the
    phenomena to be observed cannot be controlled by the
    experimenter, is called {observational research}.
    {Epidemiological research} is a type of observational
    research in which the researcher applies statistical
    methods to analyse patterns of occurrence of disease
    and its association with other phenomena within a
    population, with a view to understanding the origins or
    mode of transmission of the disease.

    Syn: Investigation; examination; inquiry; scrutiny.

    research \re*search"\, v. t. [Pref. re- + search: cf. OF.
    recerchier, F. rechercher.]
    To search or examine with continued care; to seek diligently.

    1. 'Instead, they are doing a great deal of research, looking for tactical offers and promotions which may be available.' But trading down by executives is not all gloom for the travel industry.
    2. In addition to the surging orders, Boeing attributed its earnings rise to lower new-business expense in areas such as research and development, which dropped to $382 million for the first six months, compared with $399 million for the year-ago period.
    3. The group has a strong position in Brazil, but so far no presence in China, where it is likely to go for joint ventures. Mr Herbert said: 'We've had the time and access for extensive research and due diligence.
    4. This year Boeing was awarded $85 million for research and development of the Sea Lance, a conventional warhead being developed to attack submarines at long range from surface ships and other submarines.
    5. The affair will raise money to further research and help victims of retinitis pigmentosa, a hereditary retinal disease that causes progressive loss of vision.
    6. Dr. Langston said research into MPTP also is seeking clues to the cause of Parkinson's.
    7. It also plans to share research and possibly co-invest with two larger Baltimore venture-capital funds, New Enterprise Associates and ABS Ventures.
    8. But Manville executive Mr. Stephens said the Denver-based company's research indicates that the output of one-and-a-half new paper machines will be needed to supply demand for high-quality paperboard for food and beverage containers by 1995.
    9. The models, which cost about $75,000 each, will be used in research.
    10. According to Antarctic sea charts, plenty of them are on the jagged bottom at Sail Rock near Deception Island, ready to rip through the strongest of hulls like the reinforced one of the Polar Duke, a modern U.S. research ship.
    11. The committee cut research money for the Strategic Defense Initiative to $4.3 billion from the proposed $4.5 billion.
    12. A spokeswoman for the medical products maker said proceeds will be used for research in cardiovascular and eye treatment.
    13. As head of research, he announced a raft of new products in 1983.
    14. Soviet and Swiss authorities have agreed to establish a joint-venture management school and research center in Kiev, it was announced Monday.
    15. 'But as its market erodes, it has a disincentive to fund the full range of work because its competitors can free ride.' By the new pattern in the US, aggressive small and mid-sized firms invest heavily in research, while the old giants hold R&D down.
    16. Paisley, assistant secretary of the Navy for research, engineering and systems from 1981 to April 1987, is now a Washington consultant to numerous defense contractors, including McDonnell Douglas Corp. and United Technologies Corp.
    17. Gephardt referred to conservatives in the administration who argue that government should refrain from investing in non-defense research from which private industry would profit.
    18. According to The Lancet, the UK medical journal, Israel produces proportionately more medical research publications than the US or UK.
    19. As part of his research for the role of Lincoln in the NBC mini-series, "Gore Vidal's Lincoln" in March 1988, Sam Waterston spent two days at the folklife center listening to 1940s recordings of natives of the Smoky Mountains.
    20. The report acknowledged the "fiscal realities" of federal budget deficits and that some potential trade-offs might have to be considered, including raising the $500 million by canceling some other USDA research.
    21. The first device was produced at TI's Dallas chip research and manufacturing complex Feb. 12, Robert W. England, vice president of the company's semiconductor group, said Wednesday.
    22. "SDI is destined to be no more than a research program," said John Steinbruner, director of foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution, a liberal think tank.
    23. Of this, about $1.3 billion will be spent for research and prevention.
    24. "Banks are concerned the auditors were going to come in and tell them to write these loans down," said William Brueggeman, a Goldman, Sachs & Co. research consultant.
    25. Hoover & Strong vice president Dan Pharr said he was unfamiliar with "cold fusion" research and "I wouldn't know how to comment one way or the other."
    26. A tremendous amount (of future research) will be built on it."
    27. Overhead charges, also known as indirect costs, have been the subject of much debate in academic circles, amid federal budget austerity and declining support for university research in general.
    28. Kealey said the research also could lead to a more effective depilatory for removing unwanted hair.
    29. The Dallas maker of defense electronic systems cited a reduction in investment income and higher-than-expected costs of research and development of some high-technology products.
    30. A new study by Information Resources Inc., a Chicago-based marketing research company, indicates that aspirin sales were flat in February and fell slightly in March, the last months the survey covered.
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