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 relinquish [ri'liŋkwiʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 放弃, 撤回, 停止, 松开, 让与

[法] 让与, 把...交给, 放弃


    Relinquish \Re*lin"quish\ (-kw?sh), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
    {Relinquished} (-kw?sht); p. pr. & vb. n. {Relinquishing}.]
    [OF. relinquir, L. relinquere to leave behind; pref. re- re +
    linquere to leave. See {Loan}, and cf. {Relic}, {Relict}.]
    1. To withdraw from; to leave behind; to desist from; to
    abandon; to quit; as, to relinquish a pursuit.

    We ought to relinquish such rites. --Hooker.

    They placed Irish tenants upon the lands
    relinquished by the English. --Sir J.

    2. To give up; to renounce a claim to; resign; as, to
    relinquish a debt.

    Syn: To resign; leave; quit; forsake; abandon; desert;
    renounce; forb?ar; forego. See {Resign}.

    1. Iraq refused and countered that Iran must relinquish its right to search ships in international waters for weapons bound for Iraq. Iran has not searched any ships since the cease-fire took effect.
    2. But the U.S.-backed Afghan resistance wants Najibullah to relinquish power before it comes to the negotiating table.
    3. Some thought the Communist Party would be reluctant to relinquish power.
    4. But Mr. York added that Chrysler will only relinquish control over the finance company if it receives guarantees that Chrysler Financial will remain in the auto lending business.
    5. Jordan has been under increasing pressure from its Arab and Western allies, especially the United States, to abide by international sanctions imposed against Iraq to force it to relinquish Kuwait.
    6. In the past three weeks, mass pro-democracy demonstrations led by the Civic Forum opposition and its Slovak counterpart, Public Against Violence, have forced the Communists to relinquish their 41-year monopoly on political power.
    7. Manuel Antonio Noriega could be granted political asylum in France or Spain if he is forced to relinquish his power in Panama, Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez said Saturday.
    8. When such an organ became available in Houston in mid-March, the Gulf Coast Independent Organ Procurement Organization was forced to relinquish it under the new rules.
    9. The miners, closing a five-day congress Friday, also demanded that the party relinquish control over the government and state enterprises, and give up its vast inventory of property.
    10. The United States, Soviet Union, France and Britain are expected to relinquish that power as the German states proceed with unification plans.
    11. And although the armed forces may have retreated from the front lines of political office-holding, they are unwilling to relinquish their not-so-behind-the-scenes power.
    12. Mrs. Aquino told the rally Friday she would not relinquish the presidency to Vice President Salvador Laurel, who was elected on her ticket but has become a rival.
    13. Aoun, who was named Lebanon's prime minister in 1988, has refused to relinquish his job and is holding out at the presidential palace in Beirut with thousands of supporters.
    14. A tip about suspicious trading practices at a Bahamian bank eventually led to Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. investment banker Dennis Levine, who in 1986 agreed to relinquish $12.6 million in insider trading profits and penalties.
    15. The banks, Fitch says, would be willing to relinquish their claim to some of the equity to keep the Taj a going concern.
    16. The Western ambassador said Avril will relinquish power to Maj. Gen.
    17. Under a regional peace treaty signed in December, South Africa agreed to relinquish control of Namibia in return for Cuba withdrawing its estimated 50,000 troops from Angola.
    18. Not only are top managers reluctant to relinquish power but many workers fear the adventure of free competition.
    19. Bush said the voting was marred by fraud and "massive irregularities" and called on Noriega to "heed the call of the people" and relinquish power.
    20. In the Ohio battle over the Open Records law, law enforcement lobbyists say library records are a valuable if rarely used investigative tool they will not relinquish.
    21. He is unwilling to relinquish the country's 35 per cent share of Opec's overall export market.
    22. But very few would be willing to relinquish any part of their capital.
    23. Kohl's government has been put on the spot by Iraq's announcement on Tuesday that it would free all German hostages, apparently in an attempt to drive a wedge into the Western alliance that is trying to force Saddam Hussein to relinquish Kuwait.
    24. The Bush administration has taken the position that Israel should relinquish occupied territory on all fronts _ the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights.
    25. Montazeri clearly was angry when Rafsanjani became military chief and demanded that he relinquish the post as speaker of parliament.
    26. He has said repeatedly that he would be open to collaboration as long as Mr. De Benedetti would relinquish his demand for sole control over strategy and management.
    27. There the United States would call on Israel to relinquish at least some of the territories in exchange for Arab recognition.
    28. He wouldn't relinquish the equipment until the laughing press corps started shouting "Action Jackson," a slogan that he often gets his audiences to chant.
    29. Currency experts disagree, however, about whether the dollar will continue to hold steady or will relinquish a portion of its recent gains.
    30. Arce said the Sandinistas would relinquish power in the "hypothetical case" of an opposition victory, but other Sandinista officials have said they would not necessarily give up control of the army or police.
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