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 reliance [ri'laiәns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 信任, 信赖, 受信赖的人(或事)

[法] 信任, 信赖, 信心

    [ noun ]
    1. certainty based on past experience

    2. <noun.cognition>
      he wrote the paper with considerable reliance on the work of other scientists
      he put more trust in his own two legs than in the gun
    3. the state of relying on something

    4. <noun.state>

    Reliance \Re*li"ance\ (-ans), n. [From {Rely}.]
    1. The act of relying, or the condition or quality of being
    reliant; dependence; confidence; trust; repose of mind
    upon what is deemed sufficient support or authority.

    In reliance on promises which proved to be of very
    little value. --Macaulay.

    2. Anything on which to rely; dependence; ground of trust;
    as, the boat was a poor reliance. --Richardson.

    1. Unlike Hospital Corp., Charter Medical has performed well in recent years, its results reflecting its greater reliance on psychiatric hospitals than on general care hospitals.
    2. The amount of EDS's non-GM business in the first quarter rose to 46 percent from 44 percent a year ago, reflecting a continuing strategy of reducing reliance on the parent company for business.
    3. Long-term questions lingered about Arco's Western focus and its reliance on Alaska's now-mature oil fields.
    4. With President Reagan en route to a Moscow summit, the two Democrats said they hoped the superpowers would move toward less reliance on military solutions to world problems.
    5. Its pragmatic approach bears little resemblance to Soviet health magazines' traditional reliance on vague abstractions about "socialist families" when giving sexual advice.
    6. Many economists have hastened to declare that today's situation differs greatly from the setting in which those events unfolded. For one thing, they say, industrial countries have markedly reduced their relative reliance on oil to fuel their economies.
    7. Motorcycle makers say the sales decline is due in part to the industry's heavy reliance on advertising in magazines that appeal to cycle enthusiasts but don't reach the mainstream public.
    8. Homeless advocates say greater reliance on telephoned claims limit the face-to-face contact that might make or break their eligibility determination.
    9. In the countryside, on the other hand, farmers have access to a free market, and their direct reliance on the state is waning.
    10. Those sales will reduce total assets to about $5.5 billion from $6 billion, TCF said, and reduce its reliance on funds purchased from institutional sources.
    11. SIB Chairman David Walker said, "Less reliance on detailed rules will actually be more effective in protecting investors" because British authorities can crack down on breaches of the code's spirit instead of its written rules.
    12. Advocates also say flexibility would permit more crop rotation and the advantages of natural fertility enhancement instead of high reliance on commercial fertilizers and other chemicals.
    13. It is a question verifiable only by reliance upon faith.
    14. We are used to presidential candidates behaving that way; Vice President Bush's reliance on the Dukakis veto is only the latest example.
    15. Mr. Bothwell said Howtek is benefiting from its newer product lines and greater reliance on higher-margin proprietary products.
    16. Still another solution would be for Taiwan to lessen its reliance on Japanese components by upgrading its technology and filling the gaps in its industrial structure.
    17. In the past decade, Western Europe has also followed the United States in slashing its reliance on oil to produce electricity.
    18. Just as critical is Iowa's effort to reduce its reliance on agriculture.
    19. Fowler, chairman of the agriculture subcommittee on conservation and forestry, said the goal is to provide, through the 1990 farm bill, programs to give incentives to farmers who voluntarily reduce reliance on chemicals.
    20. Heavy reliance on the Fed is dangerous because monetary policy is a blunt instrument that can't be aimed at specific sectors of the economy.
    21. Scientists in general must come to terms with their reliance on Congress for financial support.
    22. Bieber also called on Ford to reverse its growing reliance on overseas operations to develop cars it sells in North America.
    23. It is also important because errors in controlling the company's prices in the past have mainly resulted from Oftel's exclusive reliance on its own internal resources.
    24. Most of the record thumps along in this vein, although on Side 2 there is a greater reliance on real instruments (as opposed to their synthesizer-produced imitations) that makes things more interesting.
    25. Not surprisingly, they are critical of Mr. Bork's reliance on original intent.
    26. Now some Scandinavian insurance underwriters are establishing their own corps of ship inspectors to avoid reliance on the societies.
    27. United's problems apparently have a combination of causes, including bad weather at some of the East Coast airports that it uses and its heavy reliance on Chicago O'Hare, where traffic often gets jammed up.
    28. Nasdaq, which relies on individuals for 58% of its volume compared with the New York Stock Exchange's 49% reliance, has been particularly hurt by the lack of retail interest in stocks lately.
    29. Finally, it will intensify a mounting US controversy over companies' increasing reliance on share options to reward executives. Two factors, coalescing into a single political imperative, lie behind the SEC's policy change.
    30. A tremendous amount of reliance is and must rest with the credibility, to say nothing of the integrity, of the CPA.
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