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 relaxant   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 弛缓的

n. 弛缓药

[医] 弛缓的, 弛缓药

    [ noun ]
    1. a drug that relaxes and relieves tension

    2. <noun.artifact>
    [ adj ]
    1. tending to relax or relieve muscular or nervous tension

    2. <adj.all>
      a relaxant drug

    Relaxant \Re*lax"ant\ (r?-l?ks"ant), n. [L. relaxans, p. pr. of
    relaxare.] (Med.)
    A medicine that relaxes; a laxative.

    1. With less kidney function, drugs do not clear the body as fast. This might mean that a muscle relaxant that works fine for a young person might relax older people too much, causing them to fall and break a hip, he said.
    2. They also received very small doses of painkilling drugs and a muscle relaxant.
    3. Par has suspended sales of the generic muscle relaxant as well as those of its generic Valproic Acid, an anti-convulsant, which is being investigated.
    4. Mrs. Adkins, 54, pressed a button that delivered a muscle relaxant and fatal doses of chemicals that put her into a coma, then stopped her heart.
    5. Citing the manufacturing problems, the FDA recently revoked approval for Par's version of chlorzoxazone, a muscle relaxant innovated by a Johnson & Johnson division.
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