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 redefinition [,ri:defi'niʃәn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 重新定义

    [ noun ]
    the act of giving a new definition
    words like `conservative' require periodic redefinitionshe provided a redefinition of his duties

    1. It's a redefinition of bank policy to better respond to Latin America's problems.'
    2. UNION Bank of Switzerland is restructuring its domestic business to meet growing competition, Reuter reports. The structure is the latest step in a wider redefinition of the bank's strategy for the 1990s.
    3. The ultimate solution may involve "a redefinition of success" to involve personal growth over job advancement, says consultant Tod White.
    4. Surely the SEC and the New York Stock Exchange could be convinced of the need for such a redefinition of a voting stockholder?
    5. An Advanced Micro spokesman said some of the quarter's deferred income resulted from a redefinition of certain European distributors associated with the Monolithic Memories unit.
    6. With the radical redefinition of work, the traditional boundaries between leaders, managers and workers are breaking down.
    7. "We have come to a new era where a redefinition of the U.S.-Japan relationship is called for," he said.
    8. "We have come to a new era where a redefinition of the U.S.-Japan relationship is called for," he said, adding that he hoped his book would contribute to a franker discussion of the real issues between the two countries.
    9. Nervously Labour's paper suggests 're-opening this issue'. The authors are just as timid, and with more reason, when they propose a redefinition of the public sector borrowing requirement.
    10. "What we're talking about is a realistic SDI system," said Quayle. "If (the Soviets) view a phased deployment and a redefinition of SDI as lessening of the commitment, they're misreading the tea leaves.
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