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 reachable   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ adj ]
    easily approached
    a site approachable from a branch of the Niger

    Reachable \Reach"a*ble\ (-[.a]*b'l), a.
    Being within reach.

    1. The men were ocupying a plant control room reachable only by way of a narrow staircase.
    2. Lotus Development Corp., Cambridge, Mass., says the systems make people reachable in today's mobile society.
    3. The blockades have resulted in food and fuel shortages in the province and in Point Roberts, a small peninsula that's part of Washington state but reachable only through British Columbia or by water.
    4. "To the extent that the federal government doesn't propose more funds, they (the goals) may not be reachable," said Gov. L. Douglas Wilder of Virginia.
    5. "Everything we've done has been reachable by the audience.
    6. But they provide peaceful hideaways in a strikingly unspoiled setting reachable only by four-wheel drive vehicles or walking.
    7. A spare mast had been bolted to the keel to stiffen her. Rocks and bags of gravel and rocks served as ballast. The group's only reachable source of help, South Georgia, was a mere speck in the ocean, 800 miles distant.
    8. They live in a sealed glass cage, reachable only through gloved portholes.
    9. "We don't believe in having a separate room only for eating," Dumont says. "Such a waste." Stehekin is a remote community in Washington's Cascade Range reachable only by floatplane, boat or wilderness trail.
    10. The plan "arrives here bloody, but I believe unbowed _ largely because it represents the very best compromise reachable," said Sen. James Sasser, D-Tenn., chairman of the Senate Budget Committee that helped draft the blueprint.
    11. The paper said the "contractors are not in this country and therefore not reachable by German police."
    12. A spokesman for Prudential, which has one of the nation's largest commercial real estate holdings, said company officials weren't reachable for comment.
    13. 'This place is reachable from all directions,' he says.
    14. Miller family members were not immediately reachable Wednesday for comment on the IEP stock acquisition.
    15. The law says that if the 20% goal for women and minorities isn't reachable, contractors can comply by showing that they have made a "good-faith effort" to find women and minority subcontractors.
    16. Most observers were optimistic that the goals were reachable, especially as markets are growing more familiar with the RTC and its plans.
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